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This page consists of the newer series of books which are all set up as trilogies. These books are definately better than most of those that came before and are considered canon (meaning they continue the B5 storyline) for the B5 series. All of these books were based off of a detailed outline that J. Michael Straczynski (B5's writer and creator) wrote. So far, there have been the Bester/Psi-Cops, Centauri Prime/Legions of Fire and the beginning of the Techno-Mages trilogies.

How are authors chosen [for the trilogies]?
By mutual consent; they'll suggest someone, and we'll talk about it. Keyes' work I somewhat knew, and he seemed right...and Peter David *is* a Centauri. Jeanne Cavelos' work on the shadow arc [see The Shadow Within] made her correct for the technomage books.

I write a fairly detailed outline for each of the books, anywhere from 10-20 pages each. (One, I think, hit 30 pages.) So figure anywhere from 30 to 85 pages per trilogy, or thereabouts. It contains nearly all of the major beats, character moments and plot turns. Then the authors add in another layer in all three categories as connective tissue and do all the heavy lifting of actually making it all *work*.

NOTE: Triologies are listed by publishing date from newest to oldest.
NOTE: Books within the trilogies are listed by publishing date from oldest to newest.

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Book I: Casting Shadows
Author: Jeanne Cavelos -- Published: Feb 2001 -- Format: Paperback
The Passing of the Techno-Mages Trilogy
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The spectacular space epic continues, as the techno-mages face the growing threat of the Shadows ... As Elric and his student Galen watch with taut anticipation, dragons, angels, and shooting stars rain from the sky, heralding the arrival of the techno-mages on the planet Soom. But rumors fly of approaching danger and Galen and his young lover, Isabelle, are chosen to investigate the dark tidings. An ancient race has awakened after a thousand years, thirsty for war, slaughter, and annihilation. Will the techno-mages be the deciding factor in the war ahead? Or the first casualties?

I was totally blown away. This series is the most page heavy of the three trilogies and it is worth every word. I laughed, I cried, I got angry and I fell in love. This book takes place during the first season of B5 and recounts how the mages decided to deal with the return of the Shadows. Jeanne's background in the sciences really shines in her revealing look into the mages technology. The only complaint is her use of the term "mind's eye". I just wish she had come up with a more mage-like description ... Even so, I highly recommend reading this book and in doing so, you will want to become a techno-mage before the end.

I tend to agree that this is probably the best of the trilogies done to date.
There's actually going to be a LOT of Crusade stuff in the trilogy, because at the time I wrote the outlines, the series was still in the works. So some of the stuff I'd planned to reveal in the series will be revealed here.

In writing the Passing of the Techno-Mages trilogy, I was glad to be able to write about things we hadn't seen much of on the shows. That gave me a lot of freedom. Galen is much younger in these books than he is on Crusade, and he hasn't yet grown into that person. So in many ways I was able to make him the way I imagined him being, so long as readers can envision him one day becoming the Galen of Crusade.
I realized that I really wanted to figure out how the mages did what they did, why they did it, and what price it cost them (since magic always comes at a price). That's when I decided that I had to write this trilogy.
I think part of the reason [Galen] wanted to become a mage was because it was all he knew, and the idea of being a non-mage was a completely alien and terrifying existence.
Kane, Gwynn, and Finian were indeed all in Galen's "class," and were initiated along with him. Back in Book 1, on p. 55, all the chrysalis-stage apprentices are training, in preparation for their initiation. When speaking to Galen, Elizar dismisses most of the other apprentices as unworthy and inferior:

"Elizar gave a quick tilt to his head, indicating a trio of chrysalis-stage apprentices a few feet away. 'Kane and his crew of fools don't even deserve to be initiated.'"

I kind of enjoyed having one of my characters insult 3 of Peter's characters. It was fun. So none of the trio gets much mage experience after their initiaton. They basically get rushed into the hiding place and spend all their time there.

I also added lots of stuff that wasn't in Joe's outline, like storylines for Kosh and Anna Sheridan, and Galen's quest to understand the tech and himself.
I realized a few months ago that THE PASSING OF THE TECHNO-MAGES is in some weird way a kind of Harry Potter for adults.

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Book II: Summoning Light
Author: Jeanne Cavelos -- Published: Jul 2001 -- Format: Paperback
The Passing of the Techno-Mages Trilogy
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The explosive space epic continues, as the techno-mages come face-to-face with the devastating evil of the Shadows ... War against the Shadows is inevitable, and the ruling Circle has ordered the techno-mages into hiding. Many are unhappy with this decision—none more so than Galen. [...] Galen will find everything he so desperately seeks—including a shocking legacy that threatens to consume his very soul.

I couldn't get through this book fast enough! The story really gets going as Jeanne expertly weaves multiple storylines that are both intriguing and completely integrated. If you thought you knew and understood techo-mages ... then you are in for a shock. I love the way Jeanne takes a story that we thought we already knew and makes us want to watch the episodes again to see what we -really- missed. I also loved how she brings Anna Sheridan as the heart of a shadow ship and Kosh as the ever watchful and pensive Vorlon into this book as well. Don't miss this trilogy!

[Alwyn] had been there for a few years prior to the great exodus. (His background is explored in more detail in one of the technomage novels.)

Anna has a bigger storyline in books 2 and 3—I think you'll be surprised at some of the things she does, and at how she and Galen meet.

[Regarding] the book being dark. Absolutely. It's not a good time to be a techno-mage, with the Shadows coming back. And being a techno-mage at any time may be an inherently bad thing; while some techno-mages would debate that, Galen certainly believes it. I realize that the darkness of it may turn some people off. But I wanted to show the consequences of the tech's origin and nature. [...] I wanted to show that the mages not only made a deal with the devil, but took a piece of the devil inside of them. And that, by it's very nature, is not a happy story--for Galen or any of the mages. Since Galen has failed to control the tech, he, in a way, is the worst sinner.
I thought Razeel was an important character to include for several reasons. One is that she helps show Kell's hubris--he takes on two apprentices instead of just one, and loses control of both of them. She also helps show a different side of Elizar, because he does have some feeling for her (while he's basically using Tilar and Bunny). I also felt like I needed another "bad" mage besides Elizar and Tilar for Galen to fight. And then there's the most important reason, which, of course, I'm not going to tell you.

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Book III: Invoking Darkness
Author: Jeanne Cavelos -- Published: Nov 2001 -- Format: Paperback
The Passing of the Techno-Mages Trilogy
Amazon Price: $6.99 -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £3.44 -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
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The electrifying space epic reaches an explosive climax when one techno-mage battles the ultimate evil ... As billions die and the flames of destruction rage unchecked, the Shadows seem poised for absolute victory. Soon the entire galaxy will fall to their evil. But the war isn't over ... not yet. [...] In this desperate, apocalyptic battle, there's no telling who will be the victor. Or if there will be any survivors at all ...

"Do the techno-mages have an overall role in the B5 universe?" The answer is yes, more than you can imagine. You will learn their role in the last sentence of Book 3.

[S]ometimes you discover that what you thought happened in the episode isn't what actually happened at all. . . Techno-mages can be deceiving, after all.

I sent back my typeset pages for book 3 with all the final corrections/changes. They arrived at the post office in mid-town Manhattan right about the time the first plane hit the World Trade Center. I'm thinking maybe some of those pieces of paper drifting down into the streets are my book. No sign of it since then, and Del Rey seems closed down.
I made up the character of Blaylock, including his name. It did not come from JMS at all. Some readers theorized that Blaylock was the mage in ACTA--since he was stern and disapproving, I guess--but I never meant him to be (since I always planned to kill him off).
As for who that mage is in ACTA, I thought I'd leave it open, but in my own mind, I figured it was probably Miostro, based on his personality.
I cut several other scenes from the book, including an Anna scene, where she's receiving more instruction, and a scene where Galen confronts Londo in Down Below and scares the c*** out of him before leaving B5. They seemed unnecessary, and the book is incredibly long (I made the margins in the manuscript a bit narrower, hoping the editor wouldn't realize how long the book was . . . I guess it worked.)

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Book I: The Long Night of Centauri Prime
Author: Peter David -- Published: Dec 1999 -- Format: Paperback
Legions of Fire (AKA Centauri Prime) Trilogy
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Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £3.48 -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
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Bombed to the brink of oblivion, the planet Centauri Prime is starting the slow and painful process of rebuilding, under the watchful eye of Emperor Londo Mollari. But Londo is in turn being watched—and manipulated—by the conquest-hungry Drakh. The malevolent beings are reshaping the Centauri Republic into a secret seat of power from which to strike out at their enemies—especially the Interstellar Alliance. [...]

This book (and series) shows great promise at filling in all those gaps in B5 about the Centauri and Londo's ascent to the throne. Peter David does a fine job weaving all the clues into a coherent trilogy even if he does repeat himself with descriptions at times. Still, it is a must read for any B5 fan. He captures the characters brilliantly and creates more that are very complementary. This book incorporates a lot of what we saw in the series and it will make you want to watch them again for clues you missed the first time around.

I really wanted these books to fill in the gaps and broaden the story in a way that moved people. I'm happy they did.

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Book II: Armies of Light and Dark
Author: Peter David -- Published: May 2000 -- Format: Paperback
Legions of Fire (AKA Centauri Prime) Trilogy
Amazon Price: $6.99 -- Usually ships in 24 hours
Amazon UK Amazon UK Price: £3.52 -- Usually dispatched within 24 hours
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The Drakh have assaulted Earth with deadly Shadow technology—but the worst is yet to come in this stunning continuation of the Babylon 5 epic adventure [...] As the Drakh carry out their horrific plans, Emperor Londo Mollari languishes on his throne, a puppet of the Drakh-bred keeper, an insidious creature that monitors his every thought, word, and action. [...] But Drakh control is not absolute. Vir Cotto—a most unlikely hero—has begun a resistance movement. [...]
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Book III: Out of the Darkness
Author: Peter David -- Published: Oct 2000 -- Format: Paperback
Legions of Fire (AKA Centauri Prime) Trilogy
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Centauri Prime declares war on the Interstellar Alliance in Book Three of the epic trilogy that continues Babylon 5's brilliant legacy. [...] Emperor Londo Mollari possesses the key that can reveal the presence of the Drakh, but to do so would spell disaster, so he is forced to remain silent. But when the Drakh bring another pawn into play—David Sheridan, son of Alliance president John Sheridan—the time for silence may be past. If Vir and the Resistance are to prevail, it will be only through action, and with help from very strange allies ...

[The fate of David Sheridan] will be covered in one of the Centauri novels being written by Peter David.

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Book I: Dark Genesis (The Birth of the Psi Corps)
Author: J. Gregory Keyes -- Published: Oct 1998 -- Format: Paperback
Psi-Cops/Bester Trilogy
Amazon Price: $6.50 -- Usually ships in 24 hours
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Long before the Babylon 5 space station brought Humans face-to-face with alien races, they discovered an extraordinary breed among their very own ... The year is 2115. Shock waves follow in the wake of astonishing news: science has proven the existence of telepaths. Amid media frenzy, panic, and bloodshed, Earth's government steps in to restore order—and establish tight control over the newfound special population ... by any means necessary. Many question the telepaths' origins, while others view them as a coveted weapon. As the Corps tightens its iron grip, the stage is set for a cataclysmic confrontation—one in which the future of Earth will be decided.
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Book II: Deadly Relations (Bester Ascendant)
Author: J. Gregory Keyes -- Published: Mar 1999 -- Format: Paperback
Psi-Cops/Bester Trilogy
Amazon Price: $6.99 -- Usually ships in 24 hours
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The child of their greatest heroes—he was destined to become their darkest enemy ... Raised from infancy within the Psi Corps, Alfred Bester was a telepath of exceptional ability, determined to make his mark by transforming himself into a master of deceit. Schooled in hate but tormented by shards of conscience, he wrestled with the seductiveness of the sinister cause he served. But slowly stripped of humanity by the war between decency and betrayal, he surrendered his soul—and rose to become the most dreaded figure of his time ...

I think book 2 is terrific as well, maybe in some ways better than 1 because though it's not as epic, it really makes the Psi Corps come alive in some nifty ways. I haven't seen 3 yet, but it should be a real kick.

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Book III: Final Reckoning (The Fate of Bester)
Author: J. Gregory Keyes -- Published: Oct 1999 -- Format: Paperback
Psi-Cops/Bester Trilogy
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For Alfred Bester, "the Corps was mother, the Corps was father." But now, his Corps was doomed ... Interstellar Alliance President John Sheridan intervenes to stop the bloodshed as a new Psi Corps rises from the ashes. Its first mission: to hunt down and neutralize war criminals, individuals such as Bester himself. Once feared across the galaxy, the dreaded hunter becomes the fleeing prey—with Michael Garibaldi in hot pursuit.

[This book] takes quite a risk, because even though you see ancestors of some of our characters (the books cover about 80 years), there are none of the regulars in it. It's our first attempt to really flesh out the B5 universe and future history.
I really wanted it to be one that stood entirely on its own. If you never saw a frame of B5, you could pick up this book and enjoy it. It's a kick.

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To Dream in the City of Sorrows (Reprint)
To Dream in the City of Sorrows (Reprint)
(Kathryn M. Drennan)

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