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We want this section of The Abyss to have as an exhaustive list of B5 material as possible. We have much of the material in this section and will try to add as many of our own personal reviews that we can. If you have any ideas on how to improve this site or if you have suggestions for things to add, please let us know.

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B5 Books UPDATED:  9.20.2003
There are a few pages that have different types of Babylon 5 books ... Trilogies, Novels, Movie/TV Based, Episode Guides, Roleplaying Game, Short Stories, and some miscellaneous items. There is also a summary page that explains all these pages in more detail.
B5 Music UPDATED:  9.5.2003
There were quite a few music CDs that were released and they have been divided into a few different pages ... music from the episodes from seasons one and two, three, four and five. Plus, there are some compilation, TV movie and Crusade CDs also. There is also a summary page that explains them in more detail.
B5 Videos UPDATED:  4.20.2003
There have been quite a few videos that have been released on VHS and they have been divided into a few different pages ... VHS Boxed Sets and episodes from seasons one, two, three, four and five plus the TV movies as well. The newest addition, I found the entire collection of Crusade available (PAL format only). There is also a summary page that explains them in more detail.
B5 DVDs UPDATED:  12.24.2003
Finally! The first two movies have been released on DVD in hopes that enough interest (sales) will warrant releasing the rest of the collection. It looks like it worked because all five seasons are being released! Check out the season one, two, three, four and five boxed sets as well as the season one, two and three promotional material. If you missed out on any of the initial season box set releases, you may want to take a look at the combined offers for multiple boxed sets also.
B5 and Space Art UPDATED:  8.13.2003
Looking for some interesting space art and posters? Check out this newest section to our site! We have a few Babylon 5 photos and merchandise as well as Sci-Fi and Space related posters.
Why We Like B5 UPDATED:  8.13.2003
This is a fairly new page which we will add to when time permits. It explains a little bit about why this is our favorite TV show and other reasons why it is so good.
B5 Links UPDATED:  8.13.2003
A collection of important links about B5 information, JMS projects, chat transcripts, actors sites and B5 Humor. Be sure to bookmark it!
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Season 1 Boxed Set
Season 1 Boxed Set
(Jeremiah DVD)

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