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Issues #50-59

J. Michael Straczynski takes on Amazing Spider-Man and a new era unfolds as he kicks off his run with a story that will forever change the way Peter Parker looks at himself—and his ever-amazing alter ego! JMS took over the writing for Amazing Spider-Man starting with issue #30 (or issue #471 for those keeping track at home). It is one of the hotest comic series out there so don't miss out!

NOTE: Comics are listed by issue number from oldest to newest.

Issue: 50 · 51 · 52 · 53 · 54 · 55 · 56 · 57 · 58 · 59
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#50 (491): Doomed Affairs
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: Feb 2003 -- Format: Single Comic
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At long last, it's the story you've been demanding: Peter Parker and Mary Jane make the big decision!

Marvel said that Doctor Doom and Captain America will be appearing in Amazing Spider-Man #50, which is being promoted as a "turning point" in the relationship between Peter and Mary Jane. Also according to Marvel, this issue will also have "wall-to-wall action/adventure."

I have yet to read this comic ...

I thought JMS had told us last year that he could not resolve the Peter/MJ separation, that Kevin Smith insisted that he be the one to do that. So what changed?

I quote Kevin Smith in an interview given to

"I could be wrong, and maybe folks are just lying all over the place to Poor, Misinformed me, but I was told JMS had no real concrete plans for Peter and Mary Jane. He cleared the decks of all the supporting characters on his Amazing run to concentrate on that first storyline with the guy who wants to eat Spider-Man - whose name escapes me at the moment. I realize his intention was to slowly work the supporting cast back into the book, but I was always led to believe that Mary Jane wasn't his primary concern. If she is, then Good Lord, he's welcome to her.

"JMS, if you're out there reading, and you want to handle the Mary Jane/Peter "We're married, but not really" hot potato, brother: do it with my blessing. Because the shit-storm that's gonna rise out of that cluster-**** is gonna be big. Like when the word "Kike" showed up in the pages of Wolverine-uproar big. Like "The Clone Saga"-uproar big."

I *was* reading, he gave his blessings, so I did it.

And, oddly, I haven't seen more than one or two mildly critical messages anywere about this. Most everybody seems quite happy to see them together (and at no time has anyone at Marvel ever told me not to say they were/are married).

So I'm really at a loss to understand why Kevin felt he didn't have the wherewithal to make this work. It really hasn't been a problem.

I guess most everybody thinks it was done right, that's all.

So thanks, Kevin. Couldn't have worked out better.

Wonder how [the dialog glitch] happened?

It fell off the page.


Just an advisory to those who picked up this issue...there's a big glitch by way of a missing dialogue balloon at the most crucial part of the story. (It was a production glitch late in the game.)

On page 18, where MJ and Peter are having their heart-to-heart at last, on the next-to-last panel, after MJ says "when I went away," there was supposed to be the following dialogue in the last panel on that page.

" was because I was so far outside your life, I could never DO anything to help. I could never be a part of what yo do, and you could do it so well, that I just...I didn't think you needed me, Peter. That's all I wanted to know, that's all I wanted to hear, that you needed me, that you..."

Just a small thing, the justification for the whole arc....

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#51 (492): Digger
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: Mar 2003 -- Format: Single Comic
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Last month Peter and Mary Jane made the decision fans have been waiting for. What happens this month?

This marks the beginning of a new arc in the book. It is a great jumping on point for anyone who has not been able to get into this title so far.

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#52 (493): Dig This
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: Apr 2003 -- Format: Single Comic
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Part 2 of a 3-part story. Spider-Man's confrontation with the Digger brings him into a most unlikely business situation...

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#53 (494): Parts and Pieces
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: May 2003 -- Format: Single Comic
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Part 3 of a 3-part story. A gamma-powered monster wages a personal vendetta against a New York organized crime family and the don hires Spider-Man as his bodyguard.

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#54 (495): The Balancing of Karmic Accounts
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: Jul 2003 -- Format: Single Comic
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This is the conclusion of the current story arc, which has found Spider-Man working with a mobster to protect him from a monster known as "Digger".

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#55 (496): Unintended Consequences (Part 1)
Author: Straczynski, Avery -- Published: Jul 2003 -- Format: Single Comic
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More secrets of the enigmatic Ezekiel are revealed in this first part of a 2-part story co-written by J. Michael Straczynski & his protege Fiona (Tomb Raider, Rising Stars) Avery!

I have yet to read this comic ...

I've also agreed to do a three-issue Spider-Man/Fantastic Four crossover, which should also be fun. (Which is the only reason to do anything, to be honest.) I think we've slotted that one to begin around issue 55 or so of Amazing Spider-Man.

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#56 (497): Unintended Consequences (Part 2)
Author: Straczynski, Avery -- Published: Aug 2003 -- Format: Single Comic
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The conclusion of the 2-part "UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES" story arc co-written by JMS & Fiona Avery!

I have yet to read this comic ...

The author [of a review] takes exception to how I wrote the character of Ezekiel, thinking I misinterpreted him. But if I had done so, Joe Straczynski wouldn't have passed approval on it. As the reviewer pointed out, Ezekiel is a mentor but mentors aren't always zen buddhas with rosy cheeks. Sometimes tough love is a viable form of instruction ...

I created the premise entirely on my own and then Joe approved it. The entire thing's my creation, with his approval stamped on each word, plot point and panel outline. Once again, for the record, Marvel put his name on the "story by" line so that the book would not lose sales. Hopefully, after coming in over 100,000 sales this time, they won't feel it's necessary on the next two issues I guest-write.

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#57 (498): Happy Birthday (Part 1 of 3)
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: Aug 2003 -- Format: Single Comic
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J. Michael Straczynski is back flying the Spider-Man ship solo in a 3-part story arc leading up to October's AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #500!

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#58 (499): Happy Birthday (Part 2 of 3)
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: Sep 2003 -- Format: Single Comic
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J. Michael Straczynski continues the three-issue story arc leading into next month's historic AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #500!

I have yet to read this comic ...

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#59 (500): Happy Birthday (Part 3 of 3)
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: Oct 2003 -- Format: Single Comic
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Two generations of the greatest Spider-Man artists of all time mark a milestone! It's Peter Parker's birthday ... but how do you throw a surprise party for someone with a Spider-sense? Someone figures out how and Spidey spends his special day looking back at his career and EVERY villain he's faced over those years ... against his will! A special story for Spidey fans new & old!

Amazing Spider-Man #500 finds Peter Parker spending his birthday as Spider-Man battling an inter-dimensional threat that descends on Manhattan. Fighting alongside Spidey is a who's who of Marvel Universe guest-stars, including the Fantastic Four, Thor, Iron Man, the X-Men's Cyclops and Dr. Strange. The battle culminates in a trip through time, where Peter/Spider-Man meets ALL of his greatest adversaries like Doctor Octopus and the Green Goblin, and has one very special and unexpected reunion drawn by none other than John Romita Sr. himself.

There is also an image of the virgin cover which is not available for sale anywhere but what Marvel sent out to preview the comic as well as the centerfold.

I have yet to read this comic ...

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Issue: 50 · 51 · 52 · 53 · 54 · 55 · 56 · 57 · 58 · 59
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Midnight Nation TPB
(JMS Comic)
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Individual issues of the comics cannot be purchased through the normal book retailers like®. Instead, you can order the individual comics from our recommended and reliable internet retailers.

Also, many thanks goes to JMS Comics for being a great resource! (Note: They are getting a bit outdated)

Finally, a lot of work has gone into the B5 Spoiler Junkies site. It is an informative site but be warned ... it contains LOTS of spoilers!


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