The Abyss:Midnight Nation
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Midnight Nation

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Issues #7-12

[Midnight Nation] something that I poured a lot of emotion into, a lot of personal feelings and history and beliefs, covering life, death, religion, god, how we achieve meaning...all balanced against a cross-country quest by two people, one out to reclaim his soul, the other a woman sent to help him or kill him, depending on how the story ends up.

It is also, oddly enough, a love story.

It's one of the things I'm proudest of as a writer, and I commend it to anyone who found the ideas in Babylon 5 of interest. And the art by Gary Frank is just gorgeous, and evocative, and full of emotion.

It's a nifty little story. Honest.

NOTE: Comics are listed by issue number from oldest to newest.

Issue: 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12
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#7: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: June 2001 -- Format: Single Comic
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David Grey is terrified to discover that his transformation has begun, and that his time may finally be running out. David also gets to hear from the Walkers about his transformation and what it means. David gets his first chance to decide whether or not to end it or continue ...
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#8: Somewhere Between Nearly There and There
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: July 2001 -- Format: Single Comic
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David's grip on his soul is slipping but the worst is yet to come. He meets someone who only speaks the truth about the future and their destination is close at hand. David is given his second chance to decide about his fate ...
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#9: Explanations, Valid and Otherwise
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: Dec 2001 -- Format: Single Comic
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The epic of one man's journey to reclaim his soul reaches a turning point...

Wow, the suspense has been turned on high since there are only three more issues left to go. JMS really has a knack for leaving us hanging after every issue and this one is certainly no exception.

You may also be wondering why the images of the WTC towers remained on the cover. I for one am glad they kept them on there. The note on the inside cover explains that "it's because the events in this book take place before 09/11/01—P.S."

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#10: Drifting Away
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: Feb 2002 -- Format: Single Comic
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At last: David comes face to face with the man who stole his soul, the man he has traveled three thousand miles on foot to confront...only to discover that his is not the only life on the line. He may recover his soul, but the price may be more than he wants to pay!

I have yet to read this comic ...

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#11: The Wheel
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: Jun 2002 -- Format: Single Comic
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The battle is coming to a head. Will David Grey keep his soul AND be able to save the life of Laurel? The end of their journey is here and all of their hopes and dreams rely on the outcome of this last test.

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#12: Beyond the Road
Author: J. Michael Straczynski -- Published: Jul 2002 -- Format: Single Comic
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The long anticipated conclusion to J. Michael Straczynski's best selling series! The final showdown between David Grey, Laurel, and the Walkers. Don't miss it...this is what you've been waiting for!! Who will live and who will die?

I have yet to read this comic ...

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   Comic Central 'Nuff Said Comics Mile High Comics
Issue: 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12
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Amazing Spider-Man TPB
Amazing Spider-Man TPB
(Unintended Consequences (Vol. 5))
Additional Info

Individual issues of the comics cannot be purchased through the normal book retailers like®. Instead, you can order the individual comics from our recommended and reliable internet retailers.

Also, many thanks goes to JMS Comics for being a great resource! (Note: They are getting a bit outdated)

Finally, a lot of work has gone into the B5 Spoiler Junkies site. It is an informative site but be warned ... it contains LOTS of spoilers!


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